
Tuesday 18.11.2014

Informatics is a two level engineering studies of overall duration: 10 semesters. All subjects are taught in Polish. The studies are realized in two forms: as full-time (3.5-year bachelor program and 1.5-year MSc. program) or part-time courses (4-year bachelor program and 2-year MSc. program).

The number of the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) points in the first level of studies is 210 and in the second level studies is 90.


The detailed program of the studies:

Full-time bachelor program,
Full-time master program,
Part-time bachelor program,
Part-time master program.

Educational mission

The educational mission of the Informatics specialization is preparation of engineers in the field of broadly defined computer technology. Comprehensive education covers all the basic areas of computer science, theory and practice.

Graduate skills

The graduate of the engineering studies in the specialization of Informatics will be acquainted with the fundamentals of the computer science and have the technical knowledge and practical skills relevant to information systems. His competences will cover understanding of the modern computer system architecture and communication between devices, operating systems, computer networks, or software engineering. The gained skills should allow him to solve various problems using programming languages and cooperate with other designers in the software development team. The graduate must also have theoretical and practical knowledge of artificial intelligence, computer graphics, teleinformatics, and human-computer interfaces. He will use these skills, with respecting law and ethics.

The graduate of the engineering studies in the specialization of Informatics is expected to have a command of the foreign language at B2 level, conforming to the European System of the Language Education Description in the European Council. Additionally, he will have the practical ability to use the specialized language in the area of the computer science. His possible workplaces are computer companies and institutions designing and implementing tools and information systems (including in the educational sector, provided that he will also specialize in teaching – according to the appropriate regulations of the ministry of the higher education). The graduate should be prepared to start the MSc. studies.

Detailed knowledge domains

To obtain the skills of the graduate presented above, our students will study the following scientific domains:

A) Informatics

Design of the information systems
Computer networks (local and wide area, as well as their technologies and implementations)
Operating systems
Computer graphics and multimedia
Technical and hardware fundamentals of the teleinformatics
Microprocessors and embedded systems
Applied informatics (artificial intelligence, operational research, decision support systems, heuristic methods)

B) Environmental and social topics

Micro- and macroeconomy
Fundamentals of the law and management
Finances and accounts

Specializations and specialties of Informatics

The bachelor program is uniform and identical for the first four semesters. During the fifth semester, before the exam session, students select one of four proposed specializations. The next three semesters are continued in the specialized groups with several courses common for all students. On the sixth semester students select the topic of their thesis and the supervisor. The specialties are as follows:

1) Information and Analytic Systems in Economy (only full-time studies) – the student becomes a designer, an implementer or an administrator of large information systems applied in wide variety of domains. He will be able to use programming environments in the area of gathering, exploration, sharing and securing the data.

2) Engineering of Information Systems – the student becomes an analyst, a designer, a programmer and an administrator of information systems based on databases and computer networks – internet systems with the emphasis on system security. Applications cover management systems, e-Business, central and local e-Administration, agriculture, forestry, food economy and agricultural infrastructure management.

3) Engineering of Computer Systems – the student becomes a designer and an administrator of computer systems, taking part in computer networks and systems for gathering, exploration and sharing the data.

4) Multimedia Technologies – the student becomes a designer and an implementer of distributed systems for information presentation as combination of image, voice, text, computer animation and visualization.

5) Advanced Information Systems (only part-time studies) –

The MSc. program is divided into four specializations starting from the first semester of the studies:

1) Computer Systems
2) Intelligent Systems
3) Business Computer Systems (only full-time studies) –
4) Multimedia Applications

Practical training

In the studies program a 4-week practice is planned. The student is required to attend to it during the vacation period.

Potential workplaces

Graduates of the specialization of Informatics are prepared to work in the computer development and support departments of various companies. Their profile makes them particularly useful in the agriculture and agricultural policy institutions, such as:

European and central national institutions,
civil administration and local governments,
private companies working in the agricultural field and for the agriculture (advisory centers, stock markets, food processing, etc.),
research and design (R&D) departments,
computer companies.

Finding an interesting job, even during studies, is not a problem for our students.

Candidate requirements

Candidates for the specialization of Informatics are expected to:

have a mathematical knowledge on at least intermediate level, as required in the high school programs,
have interests in informatics and its applications,
be interested in the structure, organization and architecture of modern computer systems and methodologies of the software design,
be creative and have interest in exact sciences,
have at least fundamental command of English language.

Wydział Zastosowań Informatyki
i Matematyki

ul. Nowoursynowska 159,
02-776 Warszawa



Wydział realizuje w trybie stacjonarnym i
niestacjonarnym dwa kierunki studiów I i II stopnia
- Informatyka oraz Informatyka i Ekonometria:
kierunki studiów

Kategoryzacja MNiSW

Wydział otrzymał w kategoryzacji Ministerstwa
Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego:
2013: kategorię A
2017: kategorię B
ocena działaności naukowej

Ocena PKA

Bardzo wysoka ocena Państwowej Komisji
Akredytacyjnej dla kierunku:
2013: Informatyka i Ekonometria
2017: Informatyka
ocena programowa

Jakość kształcenia

na Wydziale Zastosowań Informatyki i Matematyki
jakość kształcenia

Wyposażenie dydaktyczne

Uczymy korzystając z nowoczesnego
wyposażenia dydaktycznego:


Dziekanat WZIiM @WZIM
Samorząd Studentów WZIiM @WZIiMSGGW
Koło naukowe REDINUX @redinux
Silver .Net Group @silvernetgroupsggw
Businnes Intelligence Group SAS @bigsasgroup
Podyplomowe studia SELinux @setenforce1

Biuro Karier SGGW
SGGW @karierasggw